Best free Android strategy games:Clash Royale,Subterfuge

Clash Royale

Clash Royale comes from the creators of the ever-popular Clash of Clans,it's a real-time tower defense game starring the Royale,Clash characters and much more.You enter the Arena here!
You can battle with opponents from around the world.You must throw down troops to destroy three of your opponents towers before they do the same to you,and you will win Trophies, Crowns and glory in the Arena.You can also form a Clan to share cards and build your own battle community.
The majority of the gameplay revolves around trying to use resources effectively,each creature has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, so you need to pick the right one for the battke and make sure your opponent doesn't outmatch you. Free to download Clash Royale apk for Android and Lead your Clash Royale family to victory!

Subterfuge is a week-long multiplayer game of strategy and diplomacy that plays out in real time.It's a race to see which player can generate enough 'Neptunium' first and, to succeed, your diplomacy skills and interactions with other players are as important as your tactical prowess.
You are charged with taking control of the ocean using a fleet of submarines,the events take place in real time so there is a constant threat that opponents could be sending submarines toward your bases even while you sleep.Get Subterfuge APK now!

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