Download BLEACH Brave Souls APK latest version 2.1.0

After launched in Japan last year and only can play with the Japanese Language, BLEACH Brave Souls is now available for download in English language for both iOS and Android mobile devices worldwide.
This is a free-to-play action anime game with in-app purchases, developed by KLab Global.
KLab Global describes the game: Bleach Brave Souls is an intuitive 3D hack-and-slash battler featuring favorite characters from the series. The game retells the Bleach story as players create teams of three to complete quests. With a highly customizable character upgrade system, players will be able to create unique warriors by leveling, ascending, training, and linking. Players can also participate in weekly leagues and fight against other teams to win special prizes.
Bleach Brave Souls latest version is 2.1.0 updated on Feb 03, according to the news from KLab Global, the global version of Bleach Brave Souls has now passed 1,000,000 downloads, if you want to learn the gameplay about the game or get further news, please visit its official website here.

Download BLEACH Brave Souls APK for free and enjoy the game!

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